Monday, September 24, 2012

Kitten Plays "Cat App" on iPad. Pageviews Ensue.

Yesterday I posted a video of my father-in-law shooting an AK-47.  Today I post a video of him playing computer games with a kitten.  
Iz would like this app better if it was a string.    
The internet is a complicated place. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Supporting the Second Amendment

On Friday I spent the middle portion of my work day at Top Gun.  There would totally be pictures of me shooting firearms at a paper terrorists but alas, asking another man to take your picture while shooting a firearm is the least manly way to go about the business of shooting firearms.

So here are pictures and a video I secretly took of some other people enjoying themselves.

According to this guy, the practicality of a silencer on a machine gun cannot be overstated.  

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Welcome Audrey Michelle Payne

I'm returning from my 8 day blogging hiatus to bring you some facts.  Tom and Shannon Payne had another kid, Audrey Michelle. The sister of Scarlett was born in the early morning hours of 9/17/2012, she was 6lbs 7ozs and proper baby length.
Despite being born 3 weeks before her due date . . . 
Audrey had a full set of reddish blonde hair and looks like a human.  Congrats. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Rachel Loves Kittens, Deformed Babies

The fact felines tend to carry Toxoplasma parasites which cause birth defects in unborn children couldn't dissuade Rachel from volunteering us to watch Sparky the Miniature Cat while her parents were in NY. 
I'mz dreamin about watchin Mr. Jon clean my poopy
Totally worth the risk. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

It's a Mini Dong

Today the ultrasound tech officially declared our child a boy by slapping down two arrows on the screen and matter of factly explaining that baby penises look like little turtles.
She then handed us this abstract fromunda shot and left the room. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Bill Payne: Bell Ringer

My father-in-law / boss and 50 of his closest friends at ARCT rang the NASDAQ opening bell this morning.  
I don't have a hi-res photo of the event so believe me when I tell you he is the guy next to the smoking hot blonde on the bottom left.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Smell of Loneliness

Friday I got into the office and couldn’t escape the subtle smell of cat piss. Thinking it was somehow on my hands I went through about a half bottle of sanitizer. Thinking it was somehow on my collar, I went to the swag closet and changed shirts. Still cat piss. On the brink of losing my fucking mind, I went to the bathroom, took off my jeans and immediately realized they were coated in a dry layer of toxic tee-tee.
I sawz your pants on the dryer so I'z a made u a pee pee. 
The cat got me.  I put the piss pants back on, returned to my desk, and marinated for the remainder of the work day.