Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Great Bambini

Flying with the eagles
Rolling with the pigs
These pictures were taken two weekends ago in Galveston BUT if throwing children or rippling back muscles are illegal, assume that top one is Photoshopped.   

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Liam Has Something to Say

Turn your speakers up and let the porcelain drool bandit tell you who he loves.

The Youngest, Stankiest Leg

If you like watching babies take their first parent-assisted steps, press play and soak in this poorly filmed, 34 second, endorphin rush of a video.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

6 Months of Growing

At his 6 month doctor visit Liam measured in at 28.25" and a feathery 18lbs 1oz.  His length lands him squarely in the 97th percentile for youth of equivalent age and sex while his weight represents a more pedestrian 62nd. 
A 20 year old of similar metrics would be 6 feet 2 inches tall, 165 pounds, and painfully aware that his parents were right not to let him play football. 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Swangin the Plastic, Eating Giraffes

Since Rach hasn't taken Liam's 6 month pictures yet, I'll leave you stalkers with an assortment of images to temporarily quench your thirst for baby meat:
From yesterday.
From last weekend.
From June. 
From May.
He's getting whiter and less angry with age. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

A Cat Amongst Little Dogs

Since I don't have accomplishments of my own and everything can't be about Liam, here is Rachel and her cat portrait. 

A regal, lifelike testament to the talents of a wine fueled ailurophile.

Monday, July 8, 2013

The Baby Patriot

Liam’s first 4th of July was spent at his grandparents’ house.  I'm not sure these were actually taken on the 4th but it all kind of looks the same.  
 He sits up
He swims.
He gets held.


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Week 24: Go Away. I Got This

Sitting up is a big deal when you are a baby.  It transforms you from a miniature drunk that wobbles, leans and falls into a self-sufficient man with posture. Toys become more accessible, tall objects become more observable, and life on the floor becomes infinitely more fulfilling.

He is a remarkable little fellow cultivating an ever expanding bag of tricks and I couldn't be more proud.