Sunday, December 7, 2014

One Month Onesie Wearer

To celebrate Jackson's first month of life, Rachel and I strapped him into a gently used one-piece, laid him on a blanket and waited for him to smile.  Below is the result.
To date the child has proven himself to be mild mannered, quiet and generally well liked. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Short, Blonde and Handsome

Since I'm pretty sure I can't post something about one child without posting about the other, here is a picture of Jackson.  At four weeks old he is just moving out of newborn clothes.  He is entertained by the simple act of swinging, he doesn't complain about much, and occasionally smiles when flatulent.

His most notable talent is arcing urine over his head during the few second transition between diapers. 

Kissing the Cat

Knowing the child to be a tiny but generous treat monger, the cat is remarkably tolerant of his advances.  
My favorite part of this thirty second video is the final five seconds.  In those brief moments the cat stops what he is doing, stares at the camera, and uses his large round eyes to blame me for all of the ills that have befallen him.