Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Week 18: A Vision in White

Liam’s days are evenly divided between being covered in poop and waiting to be covered in poop. He loves it. He smiles every time he farts. He laughs every time his shit smells like rotten death. Our job as parents seems to be cleaning his butt cheeks, powdering his balls, and then patiently waiting for the sludge from his ass to find its way into the back of his onesie.

My favorite part of the day is this brief moment when he is perfectly clean, happy and still debating whether he'll poop in the towel.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Our Child is 4 Months Old

One third of the way through a year and Liam is still drinking in life like a thirsty man.  A tall, thin, thirsty man.  At his 4 month doctors appointment he measured in at 16 lbs 4 ozs (70th percentile) and  two feet three inches in length (99th percentile).     

Friday, May 17, 2013

Week 17: Liam Experiences Blended Cuisine

I've been in NY since Tuesday and wasn't around to see my child's first attempt at eating baby food.  While the thought of this makes me incredibly sad, Rachel captured his efforts on the YouTubes and the process seems to have gone swimmingly.   

If you turn up the volume you can hear him lovingly cheered into a life of adorable, airplane inspired obesity.    

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Week 16: To the Moon and Back

I’m a little late accounting for my weeks but here are pictures from today’s Mother’s Day celebration at Brenner’s.
I'm a very lucky person.  Not only did I marry the most beautiful, loving, caring, woman, but she has given me the most wonderful family.   There's no way I could show her how much she means to me but I'll always keep trying.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Baby Mugging is Happening

The internet is a magical place where lovers of cats, babies, porn and the arts come together to create memes.  One of the latest is baby mugging . . . a planking equivalent for overly proud parents.

Liam was born into a complicated world.