Friday, June 29, 2012

Gratuitous Vacation Pictures

Rachel quit her job on Wednesday May 9th, we closed on the house Friday May 11th, we found out she was pregnant on May 13th, and we went on a boat trip in the BVI's from the 17th - 25th.  Since my life is currently far less interesting, and this blog needs some filler, here is a summary of the trip in 13 pictures.   

We were a handsome group.
We swam with the tarpon during the day . . .
and watched them from the boat at night.  They would swim up to the lights and amuse me for hours while I drank.
There were reefs.

And there were turtles.

Karen made this face every time she entered the water.

Roxanne got drunk off wine and Rachel did a little pregnant jig.

And then they went for a run.

Back on the boat, I caught a fish head.  Inside the circle you can see the shadow of the Barracuda that stole everything else.

Not impressed with my fishing abilities, Roxanne and Rachel proceeded to float around .
Not impressed with their floating, Bill, Phil, & I got on a different boat and we went deep sea fishing.  I caught another fish head.  A shark ate the rest.
Rachel still loved me . . .
and we celebrated our one year anniversary with Champagne and seltzer.  

The End. 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Fetal Jazz Hands

Here is the video I mentioned in the previous post.  After editing out 30 seconds of wall footage - sweet camera work grandma Karen - you are left with about 15 low-res seconds of people cooing over a moving Rorschach test.

If fuzzy hand gestures aren’t your thing, this link will take you to the place on the internet where cats play with dolphins.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Baby Pictures Round Two

This picture, taken on my birthday, shows the baby growing into what appears to be a hamster. There is a video where you can see the little hamster waiving its little hamster arm but until Rachel’s mom sends me the video, this is what you have to work with.
According to the doctor it is still too early to know whether or not the hamster has a penis.

This is Happening

I was originally going to write a post about the backyard and put up a few pictures about things related to backyards all so I could discretely post this picture of a squirrel drinking from my hummingbird feeder without looking like an internet predator. Then I realized I was a 28 year old man with a hummingbird feeder and a blog.
Enjoy my picture.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Gardening Is Now a Thing

When we bought the new house it looked like this.

And then all of the flowers died.  Apparently they are supposed to die and I’m supposed to go out and buy new flowers every six months like an asshole with money to burn.  So here is our first attempt at planting flowers.  Vincas.  $100 of the cheapest flowers at Lowes and they will all be dead in a matter of days. 

Give it a good run, Vincas.  I'm counting on you.  

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Lesees Don't Shovel Rocks

When we toured the home that we would later call our own, the atrium looked like this:

When we moved in the atrium looked like this:
Rachel gave me the job of clearing out the old rocks and dirt, and then strongly recommended I add landscaping material, paver base, paver sand, sealing sand, and three car loads of new stone.

It was a tremendous use of the weekend and I am now the proud owner of the tamping tool / toddler stripper pole featured above.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Baby's First Picture

This is the first picture of Baby Swanburg.  Currently the size of a blueberry, Baby Swanburg is a minature human with an incredible heartbeat and the profile of a goldfish.

The little person is officially expected to arrive in late January.