Sunday, December 29, 2013

11 Months Old, 18 Month Clothes

This image is a little past due but here he is in all of his androgynous, long-haired glory.

For those interested in milestones, Liam has spent the last month stumbling around like a drunk, pointing at objects of his desire, and discovering the the word "No."  When not gravitating towards danger, he enjoys watching Elmo and eating blueberries.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Liam Visits Florida: A Short Picture Story

Liam slept for the majority of his first flight.
Grandpa Bob and Grandma Sherry (not pictured) met us at the airport and brought us back to their home in Boca Raton.
Liam wore orange overalls to the beach . . .

Befriended a dog . . .
Congratulated his dad on catching many fish . . .

And reconsidered his position on Santa Claus.
Seven days after his arrival, Liam returned to the airport proselytizing with Christmas cheer and drinks for all.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Building a Christmas Card

On Sunday we had a photo shoot with Jonathan Ivy Lifestyle Photography. They did a great job, got these pictures turned around in a day, and edited out my terrible parenting.  I can't recommend them enough. 

Click the link for a full gallery or click any of the above images to live vicariously through their larger counterparts.


The final version of the card looked something like this:


It is a digital beacon of Christmas spirit. 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

10 Months, Two Teeth

This post is about 15 days late but here he is.  A fluffy young man with lots of hair and a bucktooth grin.
Hobbies this month included waving, eating, and making bubbly fart noises with his mouth.