Friday, February 6, 2015

3 Months: No Sleep Till Brooklyn

Jackson is in the 25th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height. A mere 12 pounds of human with blonde hair, blue eyes and long phalanges that make his feet look like fists.
Three evenings ago he became nocturnal so if you want to Skype with us, 2am will probably work best.    

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A Multi-Child Status Update

The younger boy is amazing.  He is a generally happy little man that does nothing more noteworthy than smile, sleep and occasionally get surprised by the sight of his feet. 

The older boy is running, working on his alphabet, and horsetrading turd deposits for jelly beans.
A large majority of my parenting day is spent comparing the two children and deciding which one I like better.