Tuesday, June 18, 2013

5 Months of Handsome

It used to bother me when people would mistake Liam for a girl.  "He has a dick," I'd want to say. "Circumcised by one of the best in the game!"

But I never did. 

To the average passerby Liam looks as much like Sinead O'Connor as he does Justin Timberlake.  Without the appropriate accessories he is simply a pearly hued, eighteen pound baby androgen.
So it is with sincerest apologies to my child that I keep posting pictures of him in a white onesie with a neutrally-colored timestamp.  It was his mom's idea.  My only contribution was to arrange the images as to make it look like the bottom half of the diptych is getting pooped on by the top.  For that I have no regrets. I nailed it.


  1. I love the blog and enjoy following Liam through his adventures to manhood. It's going to be a great birthday present one day when he's old enough to understand the entertainment value you provided to your friends and family. Not only does it capture all of the important "baby moments" but it turns the normally mundane events (which I would otherwise not care to read about) into hilarious anecdotes.

    It sure beats the hell out of parents who post photos to Facebook every time their child takes a breath. That stuff clogs my newsfeed with images of poor babies forced to wear outfits that match with the family pet--which prevents me from using Facebook for it's true purpose: to read others' posts, correct the ones that use "your" instead of "you're," and then defriend them. Job well done, Swanburgler. Carry on.

    1. Thank you, Mr. Ivy. You are a sweet and sensitive man with the most thoughtful of thoughts. Don't let the world change you.
