Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Skeeters Baseball Enthusiast

On Saturday I took Liam to a Sugar Land Skeeters baseball game with my old next door neighbor, Derek. Liam loved it. Every single pitch, hit or missed, was cheered for with the passion of a new car winner on the Price is Right.

This video captures his overwhelmingly positive reaction to a ground out to third. 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Maternity in the Woods: A Sampling.

Rachel, Liam and I ventured north to Spring, Texas for a photo shoot with Cherry Street Photography
The newborn pictures will include more children and less sunlight.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Bigger Child, Lower Chair

It has been awhile since the last post. Between moving, not having internet, and not taking pictures, blogging was low on the to-do list. Fortunately times have changed. We are moved in, the internet is running and Rachel took a picture of Liam sitting in his new booster seat eating a banana.

Now 20 months old, Liam dislikes every shopping cart that doesn’t look like a car. His passions include counting to two, reading "Goodnight Moon", hiding, seeking, and using the word "No."